Tulayoga Basics Workshop

mit Janos Lasselsberger

Meditation Through Movement
with Louka Leppard

This 3 day workshop is an introduction to the practice of Tulayoga – a meditative and deeply caring form of aerial partner yoga created by Louka Leppard.

To begin, you will be shown how to use the balancing axes in your arms and legs
to support the weight of another person above you on your hands and feet,
using balance and alignment rather than force and tension.

You will then practice 8 fundamental release postures and the transitions between them
so that you can begin to feel at ease in a basic Tulayoga series.
You will also be introduced to ways of using timing, touch, breathing and intention
to bring yourself and the person you are treating into a deeper state of relaxation.

The Tulayoga Basics weekend gives you an insight into the pleasure of giving and receiving Tulayoga treatments
and an understanding of the feelings, effects and therapeutic benefits of the various postures.
It also brings your strength and sensitivity together into a concentrated, harmonious and effective flow
and allows you to enter into a calm, caring and peaceful state of consciousness with others.

Any experience in bodywork, yoga or meditation will help you in this practice but it is not essential.
You do need to be in good health and in connection with your body.
The workshops are supportive, informal and everyone is welcome.

The workshop is going to be in English.

For more information please contact:
0699 10520879

or go to www.tulayoga.com

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